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Heibi Suci

pronounced: Hee-bee Sue-key

Heibi Suci is an organic cold-pressed juice company that lives for freshly picked fruits and vegetables. We want you to embrace the dirt on your carrot, the drop of juice on your chin and the simple flavors of natural ingredients. Through the magical art of claymation, we marketed a campaign that embraces imperfection while delighting children and adults alike. One juice at a time, Heibi Suci is here to brighten your day. 

Heibi Suci is an organic cold-pressed juice company that lives for freshly picked fruits and vegetables. We want you to embrace the dirt on your carrot, the drop of juice on your chin and the simple flavors of natural ingredients. Through the magical art of claymation, we marketed a campaign that embraces imperfection while delighting children and adults alike. One juice at a time, Heibi Suci will is here to brighten your day. 

Roles —  research, identity, storyboarding, photography, editing, sound design, and motion design
Roles —  reserach, identity, storyboarding, photography, editing, sound design, and motion design.

Collaborator — Lindsey Jensen

Collaborator — Lindsey Jensen

Tools — Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, PremierPro, After Effects, Lightroom, and our hands

Timeframe — 10 weeks

Timeframe — 11 weeks


There is a market full of exciting marketing for empty nutrition drinks. To raise awareness for our organic cold-pressed juice brand, Heibi Suci, we used ads on Instagram and thoughtfully placed posters in areas where our target audience frequents in order to increase purchase intent. We wanted to build effective creative content designed for a mobile-friendly and physical world that would grab viewers attention. By chosing the medium of claymation we aimed to successfuly execute a fun, light-hearted advertising campaign that hopefully delighted its viewers and makes them want to drink our delicious juice.



Being very passionate about food systems and policy it felt important to convey a message through our claymation that reinforced personal values. We are both mindful and educated about food choices and believe you are what you eat. Finding this voice to be the strongest between us we started to wonder, what would a claymation that focused on ingredients looks like? 

With that thought process percolating we challenged ourselves to accomplish two main things:

01. We want to connect today’s screen-driven kids with nature and get them thinking about where their food comes from.

02. Have our unique advertising campaign stir up instant nostalgia for parents and adults so that we get them invested in the brand and our product.

Our core message:

We bring the farm to you. At Heibi Suci we believe that being healthy and playful go hand in hand. We source only seasonal fruit and vegetables from organic American farmers. Enjoy our farm-to-bottle juices anywhere.

Traditional burials methods are not conducive to the changing environment and are costly. According to the CDC, on average humans carry over 200 toxins and chemcials in their bodies. Most of these come from environmental factors such as tobacco use, pesticides, flame retardants, etc. So how do you ensure that these toxins aren’t reintroduced into the ecosystem when a body is buried or cremated?

Please watch the full length claymation with sound on! Enjoy. 


First we researched what stop-motion is and claymation techniques. This helped us understand where our amaeture level of experience and big ideas could come to together.


Then we identified our target audience. We chose to focus on families in urban and suburban areas who populate influential neighborhoods and have children. Our demographic consists of consumers who like to discriminate between products. They want to make educated and informed decisions. These people care about their health and prefer to buy organic and are constantly trying to get their kids to eat more fruits and vegetables. 


We knew we wanted to show a few key things to get our message conveyed. We needed to have the setting be on a farm where the ingredients to our juice are still in their raw form to show kids how they grow. We wanted the colors to be bright and fun and complement each other as well as have a kid-friendly flavor. We chose carrot and orange to lead the campaign due to it’s kid-tested and approved feedback. Then we needed a character, or two. We iterated many times to get our creatures, aptly named Heibi and Suci.



First we researched what stop-motion is and claymation techniques. This helped us understand where our amaeture level of experience and big ideas could come to together.


Then we identified our target audience. We chose to focus on families in urban and suburban areas who populate influential neighborhoods and have children. Our demographic consists of consumers who like to discriminate between products. They want to make educated and informed decisions. These people care about their health and prefer to buy organic and are constantly trying to get their kids to eat more fruits and vegetables. 


We knew we wanted to show a few key things to get our message conveyed. We needed to have the setting be on a farm where the ingredients to our juice are still in their raw form to show kids how they grow. We wanted the colors to be bright and fun and complement each other as well as have a kid-friendly flavor. We chose carrot and orange to lead the campaign due to it’s kid-tested and approved feedback. Then we needed a character, or two. We iterated many times to get our creatures, aptly named Heibi and Suci.


I chose letterforms that were blocky, like clay, and felt kid-friendly. Legibility was discussed and ultimately we decided that the brand name would act as both a logo mark and pattern allowing legibility to be slightly less than is normal. This is because it really stood out against our competitors, who use either more delicate and scripty typefaces or ultra minimalist.

Asset 6

Promo ad for Heibi Suci's Carrot and Orange juice to be shared on social media:

Mockup of the bottle front and back. I created the branding and front label. 


Social media ads I edited footage and wrote copy for:


Poster wall I created to be pasted around urban areas where there is high volume foot and car traffic:

poster wall

A-frames to be put around shopping centers that have grocery stores and lots of moms. They're also kid-height which will hopefully catch their attention with the bright coloring and clay figures. I shot and edited this photo and generated the ads for both signs below: 


At the market we would put ads on the sides of the carts and on the back panel. Another kid-height placement advertisment. 

At the market we would put ads on the sides of the carts and on the back panel. Another kid-height placement advertisment. 


How long did shooting 30 seconds take? 

After all was said and done we spent 55 hours in 5 days getting our footage. There were more failures that I ever could have imagined but the success of having made a claymation was well beyond worth it. 

Sneak peak into a behind the scenes action shot 

Sneak peak into a behind the scenes action shot 

Post Mortem

We learned a lot and had a lot of fun along the way. I hope that we can influence the younger generation to be mindful about their habits and have awarness for the environment. If we had more time I would have loved to do a stop-motion of the logo. The letterforms are perfect for claymation. 


Instant KarmaBranding + Packaging

Batch MakerUX + Visual Design

Cover CropBrand Identity + Layout

LiminalUX + Visual Design